The chief judge has announced the debate closed, the defendant has the right to make a final statement. 审判长宣布辩论终结后,被告人有最后陈述的权利。
Additional clauses that must be specified between the RTCE and final SELECT statement allow predefining the sequence in which the result is to be returned. 在RTCE与终止SELECT语句之间必须指定额外的子句,该子句充许预先定义返回结果的顺序。
The final statement ( beginning with x.airports) creates the XML tree. 最后一条语句(以x.airports开头)创建了XML树。
The final select statement shows the stock_num column with the original set of data. 最后一个select语句展示了包含原始数据集的stocknum列。
The final SQL statement explicitly lists three columns price, itemNumber, and description after the SELECT keyword. 最后一条SQL语句在SELECT关键字之后显式列出了三个列&price、itemNumber和description。
The final print statement will print the number of items currently selected by QueryPath. 最后的print语句将打印QueryPath当前选择的项的数量。
Note how the final statement ( and all statements in Erlang) is terminated by a period. 注意,最后一个语句(和Erlang中的所有语句)以句号结尾。
The third and final statement in the NEW_ORDER transaction is NEWORDER事务中的第三条语句,也即最后一条语句是
The RCTE and the final SELECT statement both return four columns, representing the level and the employee number of the subordinate and his name and finally the employee number of the direct manager. RCTE和终止SELECT语句都返回了4个列,分别是递归的层数、下属的雇员编号、直属经理的姓名以及直属经理的雇员编号。
So my final statement is: love is in us. 所以我的主张是:爱就在我们心中。
In a weak final statement, the ministers simply instructed the European Commission to undertake more preparatory work on loosely defined appropriate action. 在一份语气软弱的最终声明中,欧盟外长只是建议欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)就定义宽松的适当行动展开更多准备性工作。
The Eligibility of Stockholder& Defend the Young person; Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement. 公司发起人的资格&为未成年人辩护公诉人、自诉人、辩护人不是最后陈述权的主体。
The contractor has included a claim in respect thereof in his final statement. 承包人已在其最终报告中,包括了对此事的索赔。
The taxpayer does not have locus standing in this court. Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement. 该纳税人没有在法庭上的陈述权。
Flash executes ActionScript statements starting with the first statement and continuing in order until it reaches the final statement or a statement that instructs ActionScript to go somewhere else. Flash在执行行为脚本陈述时,从第一个文件开始到最后一个文件或经指示转到另一个行为脚本一直保持规则。
Final Statement of the Palme Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues 裁军和安全问题帕尔梅委员会的最后声明
Study on the Legal Aid in the Final Statement Made by the Defendant Party B appoints [], an attorney at law, to be the legal adviser of Party A to provide legal services to and to protect the legal rights of Party A. 被告人最后陈述中的法律帮助问题研究一、乙方指派[]律师为甲方的法律顾问,根据法律给甲方提供法律帮助,维护甲方的合法权益。
He developed a design methodology involving client and user in which their desires were synthesized into a final design statement. 他开发了一种设计方法,涉及客户和用户在他们的愿望,合成为一个最后的设计方案发言。
In a final statement, the leaders expressed a strong desire to continue the Doha series of W.T.O. talks on trade reform. 在最后声明中,领导人们表达了继续有关贸易改革的多哈多轮世贸会谈的强烈愿望。
The final statement for the Operation Service is submitted at the end of the Operation Service Period. 运营服务的最终报表在运营期终结时提交。
The Contractor shall then prepare and submit to the Employer the final statement as agreed. 然后,承包商应按商定的意见编制并向雇主提交最终报表。
However, before the judgment is pronounced, the final statement of the defendant shall be heard. 但在判决宣告前应当听取被告人的最后陈述意见。
Final Statement of the Emergency Arab Summit Conference 阿拉伯首脑紧急会议最后声明
The lawyer prepared a final statement to present to the jury. 律师在出席陪审团前准备了最后的陈述。
Where are man? Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement. 公诉人、自诉人、辩护人不是最后陈述权的主体。
Of course, defendants will definitely be ensured on basic rights such as final statement in simplified cases. The defendant will have the right of choosing or abandoning certain procedures as a relief. 简化审过程中,应充分保障被告人的最后陈述权等基本权利,同时,被告人拥有程序的选择和放弃的权利作为对自身利益的救济。
This article discusses the making method of final statement at completion of project by elaborating on such two types of contracts as "unit price contract" and "lump sum adjustable contract" singed by the owner and the contractor during the construction of railway engineering. 通过实例,探讨了在铁路工程施工中,建设单位与施工单位就工程签订的单价合同和可调总价合同两种合同方式的情况下,在工程竣工后,工程竣工决算的编制方法。
Firstly, the author emphasizes the specific linkage of conviction procedure and sentencing procedure, and divides the sentencing procedure into five stages: sentencing procedure before trial, sentencing hearing procedure, the final statement by the accused, court discussion, sentence. 从定罪程序与量刑程序的具体衔接入手,将量刑程序的诉讼阶段共分为:量刑审前程序、量刑听证程序、被告人最后陈述、法庭评议、宣判五个阶段。
The system by collecting a variety of original data of purchasing process simply inputs supplier information, product information, purchases chief information, orders, final statement information, and it has the function to carry on the inquiry statistics and analysis process at any time. 该系统通过采集采购过程中所产生的各种原始数据,简单录入供应商信息、产品信息、采购负责人信息,订单、结算单信息,可以随时进行各种条件的查询统计和分析处理。
Analysis of the printed page statement of needs, given the Report of the page to print the methods and principles to achieve a final statement of the page to print. 分析了报表分页打印的需求,给出了报表分页打印的方法和原理,最后实现了报表的分页打印。